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505771 is from US United States • 16 y/o • Female

Hi, My names Leilanie and I hope you like what I write. btw the site that I put there isn't mine but I guess I just want people to see it...
Was It Me?
Too lazy sorry. I wrote this around when I was 7 years old, I am now 12.
2 mins
Words: 514
Read Time: 2 mins
Was It Me? Pt. 5
I hope you are all doing well, and if not I hope things get better for you, but anyways enjoy part 5 of my series.
1 min
Words: 373
Read Time: 1 min
Was It Me? Pt. 4
Hi feeling a little better than I usually am because I just got in a relationship and I am very happy with it, so this pat might be a little more happy-ish. 💛😊
1 min
Words: 367
Read Time: 1 min
Was It Me? Pt. 2
Hi, btw I am not 14 like my account says, I am 12, I just accidentaly did the wrong date, please don't bully me about it. Anyways, Enjoy! (if you have not read part one, read it now!)
1 min
Words: 280
Read Time: 1 min
Before You Pull the Trigger... Pt. 2
This is the...very long Part 2 to Before You Pull the Trigger... Enjoy!
1 min
Words: 258
Read Time: 1 min
Was It Me? Pt. 3
Hi, hope you are all enjoying my little series!🖤
<1 min
Words: 181
Read Time: <1 min
Dear 2045...
The lyrics of 'Dear 2045' in a poem.♻🌍
<1 min
Words: 181
Read Time: <1 min
This is... or WAS a nursery ryhme before is started killing anyone and everyone who sang it aloud.
<1 min
Words: 168
Read Time: <1 min
Before You Pull the Trigger...
This is a story to just show people how deppressed people can actually feel, i've done a couple things to myself that I will put in this story, but other than that enjoy.
<1 min
Words: 167
Read Time: <1 min
A little thing I thought would be nice on this website...
<1 min
Words: 165
Read Time: <1 min
Suicide, Suicide
Just so other people out there know, your not alone, I once felt and sometimes still do feel suicidal, so I made this poem. to let it all out.
<1 min
Words: 75
Read Time: <1 min
I'm Fine
What people useually mean when they say "I'm Fine"
<1 min
Words: 64
Read Time: <1 min