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apemann's Profile

Andy (Formerly Apemann)

apemann is from GB United Kingdom • 63 y/o • Male

Writer, story-teller, reader, dog-lover and humourist!

Reviews Given

My Friend by Shadowwriter

This is an interesting idea for a story. There are faults with it (punctuation, spelling, etc.) that with some careful editing can be corrected to make this into the fabulous story it deserves to be.

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My weekend by Ernie the house/sleddog by pokeyloki

A good fun read. Thank you!

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I am. by jeyden_c

Sums up what it means to be a teenager in a few words. Clever and creative. I hope we see more of your work soon.

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Isolation by nemcx09

A very dour and downbeat offering. Many will relate I'm sure...

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FOREVER by Ariel Marin

An interesting story idea. The first part of the story goes on a little too long to maintain reader interest... Personally, I am not sure that I would have put it at the beginning. Looking at the rest of the story I would have started it with the first three paragraphs after the dialogue opening, then inserted then exchange between Tom and his wife. Just an opinion, of course.

Take care with your grammar and punctuation: there are several instances of the incorrect word being used ('spend' for 'spent', for instance).

I hope we'll see more from you soon :-)

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I'll Come for You Part 2 by TheForgotten

This is developing into an interesting story. Unfortunately the errors in the piece detract from its overall effectiveness. Please take more care with your punctuation. It is spoiling otherwise good work as it interrupts the 'flow' of the narrative.

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You and I by Pipppy12

"The way your smile can protrude any boulder."

Up to this line your poem was quite entertaining and interesting. This line, though, kills it completely. It's meaningless and silly...

An 'unwritten rule' of writing, especially poetry, is that if you have to 'force' the line to come, it probably isn't going to work. This appears to be the case here. However, the rest of the poem works well, which saves it from being a disaster :-)

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"We're getting divorced" by TheForgotten

This story was very close to being rejected on the basis of your poor spelling - again!


You have some good ideas for your stories, but I get the impression you are not too keen on properly developing them. They always feel a little rushed, which is a pity. This is probably why you leave so many spelling mistakes in them.

Take time to re-read your work. Have more faith and confidence in your writing skills and TAKE MORE CARE!

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