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beckyksmith1's Profile

Rebecca Kathleen

beckyksmith1 is from US United States • 49 y/o • Female

Reviews Given

Torture In A Casket by kyoukatsu

Wanted to know more about josh.

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Dear Old Friend, by TheForgotten

Sad but a legit question to ask of an ex

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Reclaimed Memories by kolulu

A sad story but frightening because it is plausible.

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Clearing Fog by JCGClarkauthor

An interesting concept to be sure. The mind is a dangerous thing when left too long to its own devices.

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My view on humans by TheForgotten

I wished for more of a rant.

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A Broken Person by 143

The very real impact abuse can have on it's victim is far reaching and long lasting. I wish this had a happier ending.

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Overthinking by Bean

An interesting look inside a thinker's mind.

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Suicide Goes Wrong by itsjessiewj

Hard to read but accurately captured a feeling that many who are or have been suicidal can identify with.

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