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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

Is Death, a Fictional Dream?
You really don’t understand life unless you have to live yours without your ‘parents’
3 mins
Words: 601
Read Time: 3 mins
It Hits Me Again , That Cruel Pain
You have not known pain unless you have cried like there’s no moon and sun. Like it’s never gonna be morrow again.
1 min
Words: 293
Read Time: 1 min
‘Friends’ , ‘Best Friends’ and Me
Sorry ! I don’t understand the concept.
4 mins
Words: 875
Read Time: 4 mins
Dear First Crush
When you aren’t looking, I stare at your figure.
1 min
Words: 257
Read Time: 1 min
To You, My Valentine
They say love melts the heavy weight, so here I’m waiting for mine to find me.
1 min
Words: 216
Read Time: 1 min
That Brief Second of His View Stole My Sleep
No amount of my words and my description of him will do justice, he is so picturesque. I get entangled so swiftly.
3 mins
Words: 695
Read Time: 3 mins
That Voice, Your Voice Is Like a Sunbeam
When you are smitten by someone, you chicken out! No matter how confident you are, but infront of that one person; it’s like - I don’t even know who I am
1 min
Words: 274
Read Time: 1 min
This Is How Every Waking Hour Is Like Without Your Mother
Either you can let your tears take a hold on you or you can fight them back but at the end, you both face defeat because it wasn’t about you two; it was about you resisting that ache.
1 min
Words: 321
Read Time: 1 min
That ‘Too Much’ Can Hurt So Much
In the process of losing so much, I gained one biggest thing. I gained clearance. Clearance of thought and sight.
2 mins
Words: 474
Read Time: 2 mins
The Guilt That Drowns Me Each Night
Miracles do happen in medicine but it just doesn't happen when we most need it.
2 mins
Words: 540
Read Time: 2 mins
Home, Home Without Your Mother
Without Her, this world will always seem less important.
1 min
Words: 262
Read Time: 1 min
The Love of My 20 Something Heart
Sometimes love is also in knowing that despite the distances, that one person who was once your centre is living, breathing, healthy and happy. Thank God for that.
2 mins
Words: 444
Read Time: 2 mins