Submission Guidelines
We like to make sure that Short Stories 101 contains literature that is readable to a certain standard and correctly formatted. When writing a submission, please make sure that it:
Uses correct punctuation.
Please use full-stops, commas, speech-marks (“) etc. properly to make the meaning of your submission clear to readers.
Uses correct grammar.
Please make sure the sentences are structured properly. Try to avoid slang or colloquialisms. DO NOT USE ‘text-speak’.
Uses correct spelling.
Incorrectly-spelt words may be difficult to read, so PLEASE SPELLCHECK your work before submission.
Is not an erotic story and doesn't contain descriptions of sexual acts.
Is placed in the correct age-group, genres, and categories.
Does not contain personal contact details in the story itself.
Uses reasonable font formatting
Please submit your work using reasonable font formatting and avoid excessive use of bold, italic, and the like (you can use them in your story for effect, however.)
Uses paragraphs.
Please no long blocks of text, it's easier to read when formatted with paragraphs.
Is actually a story, poem, or musing.
Only stories, poems, and musings are allowed on Short Stories 101.